maanantai 5. maaliskuuta 2018

The pros and cons of owning a dog

Hello readers!

Today I will tell you about the pros and cons of owning a dog!

There are a lot of great things about dogs, but people tend to forget about the cons. I have made a list just for you in case you are considering getting a dog. I hope that you would remember there are different kind of dogs, so issues might differ a bit.

Let's start with the pros: 

+ Dogs are cute! 
+ Most dogs love cuddling, which feels nice! 
+ Dogs are loyal, and will never betray you! 
+ Dogs can make your bad days feel a lot better! 

There are myriads of great things about dogs, but if I told you all of them, you wouldn't even consider reading the cons before you would have bought a dog. 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle dogs

The cons of having a dog: 

- Responsibility! You have got to have a lot of responsibility to own a dog. There are many people, that are not responsible enough to own a dog. Things like washing them, cutting their nails, walking them outside and changing their water are everyday life for dog owners! 
- Vaccination and medical costs! Sometimes those rise up to thousands of euros, so it might turn to be pretty pricey to just own a dog.
- Most important of all, you have to remember that once you get a dog, you will have to take care of it in most cases for at the very least of ten years. Many people have bought a dog on impulse, which is bad for both the dog and the buyer.

I don't want to scare you away from buying a dog, so I'll end this post right here. 

Kuvahaun tulos haulle dog nails

Thank you for reading my post!
Best regards, Arttu.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle happy dog paw

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